Wednesdays following Worship on Wednesday (WoW)
Confirmation is the next step on your Journey of Faith! Confirmation is an integrated ministry of learning, service, fellowship, and prayer for 6th - 8th grade students; however, you don't have to be a middle school student to participate. Adults learn alongside the students and lead small group experiences. Worship on Wednesdays (WoW) begins at 6:00pm. At 6:30 learners meet for a large group time taught by Pastor Jamie and end with small groups and a blessing. Confirmation is a safe space for youth to learn about who they are as children of God and learn the basics of the Christian faith.
Click here to register for confirmation classes
Senior High Youth Night (SHYN)
Wednesdays following worship during the school year.
Senior High youth gather each Wednesday evening for about 45 minutes to build friendships, play games, and pray together. Our goal is to have some fun and fellowship, leave our everyday stresses, and come hang out with friends in a safe space. In addition to our time together on Wednesday nights, we also participate in various service opportunities throughout the year, and have the opportunity for several weekend activities and retreats.
Click here to register for SHYN
Youth Trips
Each summer, youth have the opportunity to participate in taking a trip to grow in faith & fellowship together.
High School Youth and other young adults are invited to participate on a trip each summer. Our trips rotate on a 3 year cycle: Service Trip, ELCA Youth Gathering, and Adventure Trip. We begin planning, team-building and fundraising in the fall prior to our trip each summer. These trips are always fantastic opportunities to grow in friendship & fellowship with our trip-mates, as well as strengthening the faith of all those gathered together.
Summer Stretch
Summer Stretch is a ministry for middle school youth, led by high school youth! We meet for a week in the summer and do various service projects throughout the community each morning, then participate in a (top secret) just-for-fun activity each afternoon. Our week culminates with a day together at Valley Fair.
Summer Stretch 2025 will be the week of July 7. Details and registration can be found here!