Play, Learn, Grow in God's Love
Camp Create is a warm and caring Christian environment for your two year old to practice spending time away from parents or other caregivers - a great "baby step" towards preschool! Kids will spend time playing together, hearing stories, participating in art, music and movement activities, and sharing a snack together.
Our Christian commitment is reflected in a number of ways throughout the day, including affirmation of each child as a beloved Child of God, and occaisonal Bible Stories at story time. Christmas is celebrated as the birth of Jesus and Easter as the day of his resurrection. We welcome all, children and parents, to our preschool and respect the religious traditions of others. Questions can be directed to the church office or by contacting Alyssa Engedal, Faith Formation Minister & Camp Create Director (
Registration opens February 3, 2025 for the 2025/2026 school year. Click here to register!