Immanuel offers a variety
of worship services.
Sunday Worship 9:00 am
Our Sunday worship is a blend of traditional, liturgical, and contemporary worship elements. We worship at 9:00 am year-round, and these services are also live-streamed. The Senior Choir helps lead worship during the school year. Our service is centered around the Word, which is scripture and preaching, and the Sacrament of Holy Communion. You are welcome to come just as you are. There is no dress code! Children are welcome to fully participate in worship. We have a children's time each week and children are welcome at communion. We are very flexible and we don't mind if it gets a little noisy. We also have a staffed nursery available during the school year. Please join us! We are known to be a very friendly worshipping community.
WoW (Worship on Wednesdays!) 6:00 pm
WoW is a fun and interactive 30-minute family worship offered during the school year. The WoW praise team leads us in upbeat praise and worship style music. We share in communion every week and Pastor Jamie gives a short message easy for all ages to understand. Come and check out this fun way to worship God! We do not have WoW during Lent.